Thursday 6 May 2010

Response to "hannahs Blog" Prostitution

Hannah i too believed that prostitutes had no respect for themselves and our wrong and are selling their bodies just for money. But i changed that view when i watched a drama on BBC1 which was based on the Ipswich killings 4 years ago. It showed that these women have no choice but to do this to themselves. They don't get the proper help to stop their drug addictions and they see prostitution as the only root to living. i had huge sympothy for the 5 women that were killed, they had to make a choice, either go through the process of not feeding their addiction or going out on the streets while there was a killer on the loose.

Response to "Kalen's Blog" Bullying

I agree that bullying is completely wrong and it needs to stop. But unfortunitly i don't believe it ever will, i think bulllying has become part of school and the unfortunite ones have to experience it one way or another. i just don't think that teachers are being tuff on bullying, and they aren't being aware enough.

response to "Kirens World" Knife Crime

yes its true the young people in these gangs feel like they need to have a knife for protection and that if a rival gang member tryed to harm them then they would have to harm them first. thats teh mentallity of these kids today.


Is it wrong for a man to like a man or a woman to like a woman? Some people think it is and others don't. I belive it isn't because we have a chooce in life and i'm sure being gay isn't illegal and it doesn't hurt anyone so why do people think it is wrong? Many religions banish their siblings if they come out gay because tehy belive it is wrong. I don't have anything against religions i don't agree with people being judged or treated differently for being gay.


Wednesday 5 May 2010

Binge Britain

I think most people like to have a drink when they go out, but it seems like some people take it to far. There are many dangers involving drinking, you could die of alcohol poising, could be more vunerable to rapists, and you caould end up getting a good fick in because drink suddenly makes you invincible. This site descrbes some of the violence caused by binge drinking.

Tuesday 4 May 2010


Racism is something that has not gone away and most likely will never go away. Most racist's excuse for being predjudice is that, for example, an Asian man did something horrible to me so I now hate all Asians. Such a sad sad world where mature adults are using terrible excuses for their racist actions.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Bandits and Outlaws

When you say the words, "Bandits and Outlaws", you immeditly think they must be bad people. But one ancient character named Robin Hood is portrayed as someone good. Why is this? He may be stealing from the rich to give to the poor but stealing is stealing isn't it? Many adaptations portray Robin Hood as good and kind. But the newest film to be released soon, sees him interestly as a villain.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Male gaze

The male gaze is something that unfortunitly will never go away. Women are almost always seen as a sexual object in films, video games, advertising methods and many other forms of the media. It is wrong but there are to many horney men out there for it to completly stop. Unfortunately Sex sells

Friday 16 April 2010


Some people frown upon tattoos but for me I believe there a form of expression and art. I believe the human body is a blank canvas which is awaiting to be covered. Tattoos are a part of culture like the Maori tattoos. The maori of new zealand had created one of the most impressivecultures of all polynesia. their tattoo, called ‘moko’, reflected their refined artistry.

Thursday 15 April 2010


Smoking is one of the few drugs that are actually legal in this country. Many people ask why this drug isn't being classed as aillegal and why it is sold so freely in newsagents across the country. The answer to this is it is to late. There is already a vast percentage of the world population that smoke, the latest figures for 2007 show that around 9.5 million adults in Britain smoke cigarettes. So imagin the anachy that will be caused if smoking was illegal. People smoke because it helps with stress. Others just wanted to try it but then got iddicted. It is hard to say if smoking is "Being Bad", I don't think it is but i do believe that it is teh most harmful legal thig to do.

Monday 12 April 2010


Why do people commit adultry? Is it because they feel powerfull when doing it? Is it because they have got bored with their partner and want to try something knew? Could it be revenge?
There are many different suposed reasons why people cheat on their partners. Maybe they are all valid reasons but i believe that the main one is that people lose the spark in their relationship, you would think then that they would finish the relationship but they don't want to because thy still love this person. So to keep themselves excited they cheat. Thats why I don't agree with people saying that if you cheat then you don't love the person you've cheated on. You obviously do because you could just finish with your partner and sleep with other people. Don't get it twisted though, I don't believe in infedelity at all i still believe it's wrong.

Thursday 25 March 2010


Why do we lie? If you asked anyone if they've lied before most of them would say yes. The ones that say no our probably liying. Some people don't believe in liying, but i think that without teh ability to lie then there would be complete chaos. We neeed to lie to keep an equilibrium. I'm not saying that everyone should lie to cheat, but i believe in lying so that you can prevent conflict or hurting someones feelings. I found this interesting quote by University of Massachusetts psychologist Robert Feldman says this, "We find that as soon as people feel that their self-esteem is threatened, they immediately begin to lie at higher levels."

Sunday 7 March 2010


Masturbation is a funny thing. It's one of the most shameful things to speak about but then again its as natural as sex. But why is it so embarrassing to talk about? What's wrong with touching yourself? Around 90% of us masturbate which is an astonishing statistic when you think about how many people deny it. It's crazy to think that centuries ago there were apparatus to prevent masturbating I've attached a picture of one of the objects used to stop boys bashing the bishop. Here is a link to a site that i found which asks questions about masturbation. Questions like is it safe to masturbate, the answer to this is amusing as they say that it isn't necessarily dangerous but it like anything else it can be addictive. To be honest i think we are all masturbation addicts.